Women's Committee


Purpose of the Committee

  • To educate the women of the local union of labor’s position on local, state and national laws regarding women’s issues.
  • To build self-esteem.
  • To provide leadership and educational training for women members so that they may become more active in the local union and seek leadership positions.
  • To inform all union members about women and family issues.
  • To encourage women members to become politically active.
  • To discuss problems of women workers in the workplace with the local union leadership.
  • To become active with other labor and women’s organizations supported by the International Union, UAW in order to promote labor’s agenda.


Group of “Team 412” at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in downtown Detroit.

UAW Region 1 delegates during the 41st International Union Women’s Conference at the Walter and May Reuther UAW Family Education Center.

Click on the link below for more information

Women - UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America