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Update to Strike Benefits Registration

robert delpapa
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Members concerns have been heard by the international!!!!

As a result, strike pay and benefit registration will be completed digitally. Local 412 will make accommodations for members unable to register electronically.  However, per the instructions from the International, strike pay and benefit registration will not take place until after a strike is authorized.  It is important for the members to still come to the local today and Wednesday (as scheduled) to pick up their strike duty assignment but they do not need strike pay/benefit registration information at this time. Please make sure you keep a copy of your strike assignment that was issued to you.

 It is also important to let the members know that, in the event a strike is authorized, it will be necessary for members to refer to the UAW Local 412 website for instructions related to strike pay and benefit registration.  We do not have any further information related to details of the registration process. Here is how the International described it in their communication to leadership that was sent to us after hours over the weekend:

“Please note that benefits enrollment will now be done through a digital process, and all strike pay will be distributed through direct deposit (not paper checks).

 Remember that if your local union ends up on strike, your local will be assigned a Strike Assistance Representative who will work with your leadership to schedule benefits enrollment dates and to train up your volunteers to assist with running the enrollment process.  Do not schedule benefits enrollment dates prior to a strike beginning or without first being in communication with your assigned Strike Assistance Representative.  Such dates will not be scheduled until after any strike begins.”

Todd Macker & Lisa Emerson

UAW Local 412 Strike Committee