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President Report

robert delpapa
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President Report                                                                                                                                                           

With our new spending restrictions, we will temporarily suspend the printing and mailing of the Local 412 Leader at this time.  I will be communicating with you, our 412 Active and Retiree members through our Local 412 website by putting out regular updates to all 412 members concerning movement on issues at the Local and International level.

I would like to wish you and your family a Blessed and Healthy 2022.  I pray for peace for our membership throughout the coming year.  It is a time for us to reflect on the past year and look forward to the new year physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

First of all, on the subject of masks and vaccine mandates at the UAW level.  Attached are two emails I have sent in the past 6 months to UAW President Ray Curry in protest to mandatory vaccines and masks.  I believe this is an individual’s right and choice whether or not to get a vaccine or wear a mask.

I spoke with our Vice President Cindy Estrada about being forced to get vaccinated.  She encourages us to be vaccinated but is standing her ground that vaccines shouldn’t be mandatory.  During this conversation, I requested that the UAW take a stand that there will be no Forced/Mandatory vaccines on any UAW member that chooses not to get one.  To voice your opinion, feel free to send me an email to whether you agree with the vaccine and mask mandate or not.  I will pass them on to our UAW Leadership at the Solidarity House.

Concerning the embezzlement of Local 412 financial funds by our former financial Treasurer, Tim Edmunds. Although we are caught up on all our Local bills to date, the Local owes approximately 1 Million dollars of International Per Capita Taxes back taxes.  When we will receive our $350,00 Insurance Bond it will be used to put towards this debt.  There has been no word yet when we will receive this bond money.

On the Quality Achievement Award.  I recently talked to our International Servicing Rep, Greg Stoey, who, along with Local 412 Servicing Rep Tom Shkrela, are working with Stellantis HR Reps and Chairpersons to qualify us for the award.  Stellantis Senior Management continue to resist paying the Quality Achievement award.  I can assure you, our UAW VP Cindy Estrada is working diligently to get this resolved in our favor. 

My sympathy and prayers, along with the Locals Executive Boards go out to all our members who have and continue to lose family and friends.  Just as a reminder, if you need support or direction for mental health referrals contact our Local 412 Employee Assistance Program Representative, Elaine Copeman at  (248) 576-2753.  If you need help concerning your health care or benefits, please contact either Karen McAdam at  (248) 576-4346 or Bree Kenny at (248) 576-0216.

Please keep up-to-date on Local 412 news by checking into the Local 412 website.  If you have any questions or concerns, contact me at or (586) 754-2450.