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Every UAW member has a right to access educational tools that allow full participation in their union.

Union power flows from an educated, well-informed membership.  As members grow in their union education, they recommit themselves to the mission of the labor movement and invigorate their local unions.  Active engagement and solidarity in our membership translates into better contracts, stronger communities, and improved quality of life for working families.

Our union education program is designed to develop members’ understanding of our shared values of unionism in principle, while also learning the mechanics, structure, and function of the UAW.  Members who take advantage of educational opportunities tend to get involved in local union standing committees, step into leadership roles, and take action on important issues that matter to working people.  We work hard to develop members’ skills so that they can be effective in bargaining strong contracts and enforcing them at their worksites.  Importantly, educated members hold their union leadership accountable to them, and they push relentlessly for the continuous improvement of our great union.

We pride ourselves on providing a robust education program for our members in Region 1.  In 2019 alone, Region 1 members logged 2,078 class completions.  We strive to increase those numbers each year.  We also encourage and offer assistance to our local unions in developing their own Education Committees with trained member-facilitators who can deliver educational workshops at their locals.


About our Education Program

Why is union education important? What classes are offered by UAW Region 1? Who can attend Region 1 classes? How do I sign up? How can I attend educat...

Read More About our Education Program

2025 Director's Scholarship

UAW Region 1 is pleased to announce that scholarships are available to those students who are children or grandchildren of UAW Region 1 local union me...

Read More 2025 Director's Scholarship



2023 Family Scholarship Program

We are now accepting applications for the 2023 Family Scholarship program at Black Lake!  This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it's sure to be an experience loaded with memories that your family will cherish.

Read More 2023 Family Scholarship Program

Fall Classes 2022

We are excited to relaunch in-person classes this fall at UAW Region 1! The registration deadline has been extended to September 29, 2022.

Read More Fall Classes 2022

Black Lake Cancellations

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all conferences and institutes scheduled to take place at Black Lake until August 2020 have been cancelled or postponed.  Several of these conferences will be rescheduled to later dates in the fall of 2020.

Read More Black Lake Cancellations