UAW Family Education Center (Black Lake)

The Walter and May Reuther UAW Family Education Center is the realization of late UAW President Walter Reuther’s vision of a world-class worker's education and recreational center.
Also known as Black Lake, the Family Education Center opened in 1970. This beautiful wooded retreat has been visited by thousands of UAW members and families for union-related education, training and recreational programs.
During most of the year, the facility is used widely by the UAW to conduct training and hold conferences attended by member delegates. Joint employer and UAW conferences and programs are also conducted, with employer and employee representatives in attendance.
Outside of conference attendance, UAW members and retirees can lodge at the Center at special reduced rates and enjoy the wonders of Black Lake and northern Michigan. The Center is loaded with UAW history and sure to leave any member who visits with a feeling of pride in their union.
Black Lake’s employees are members of the United Steel Workers (USW Local 2-100) and the International Security, Police, Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA Local 32). Golf course maintenance employees are members of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), and food service workers are members of Unite HERE (Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees).
The center is located at 200 Maxon Road, Onaway, MI 49765. And can be reached at (989) 733-8521.
Black Lake Campground
Black Lake includes a campground available to UAW members, retirees and their families. Rates are $28 per day ($5 per day more for pets). Reservations can be made by calling Black Lake at (989) 733-8521 or through the member’s local union. Proof of UAW membership is required in order to receive the discounted member rate.
The Black Lake Campground is also open to the public. Non-members are welcome at a rate of $35 per day ($5 more per day for pets).
2019 UAW Black Lake Campground information can be downloaded here.
The flyer discloses all pertinent information regarding campground site rentals and registration information.
If you have any questions, please call the Walter and May Reuther Family Education Center at (989) 733-8521 or email them at