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Michigan Labor History Society Tours

Lorrie Phillips
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The Michigan Labor History Society (MLHS) is willing and able to take UAW members and their families on an exciting tour that captures the stories of labor history in our area. The society has six experienced guides who can lead bus or walking tours on your schedule. They are glad to do this as an educational program without charge.

These visits can include the site of the Battle of the Overpass and Ford Hunger March in Dearborn; the place where over 100 young women occupied a department store to win higher wages; the recording studio from which union musicians brought the Motown sound to all of America; the plaza where 100,000 workers rallied for union rights; and the site claimed by Occupy Detroit during the recent struggle for economic justice.

You will wind up the tour by visiting Hart Plaza to see “Transcending,” the world’s largest work of public art, dedicated to the working men and women who built our city, and by visiting the nearby Underground Railroad monument on the Detroit riverfront.

At many of these sites, you will hear the stories of those who participated in and built today’s labor movement. Already, more than 1,000 people – students, union members and others – have taken these tours, including local residents and visitors.

To arrange a custom tour for your local officers, committee members or general membership, contact the MLHS office at (313) 577-4003, send an e-mail to or write to Michigan Labor History Society, c/o Walter Reuther Library, Wayne State University, 5401 Cass, Detroit, MI 48202.