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UAW President Shawn Fain Holding Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET on the Fight for Good U.S. Jobs at Stellantis

DETROIT – UAW President Shawn Fain will address the UAW membership on Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET tonight...

Read More UAW President Shawn Fain Holding Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET on the Fight for Good U.S. Jobs at Stellantis

UAW Releases New Political Video on Corporate Price Gouging

Today, the UAW released a new political video highlighting the corporate greed and price gouging behind the surging cost of basic needs...

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UAW-Ford Locals Tentative Agreement Voting Results are starting to come in

So far, members of UAW Local 900 (Michigan ISA, Michigan Assembly), UAW Local 898 (Rawsonville), UAW Local 3036(Memphis HVC) , UAW Local 3519 (Washington HVC) and UAW Local 2280 (Van Dyke) have voted in favor of ratifying the Tentative Agreement with Ford.

Read More UAW-Ford Locals Tentative Agreement Voting Results are starting to come in

A message from UAW acting President Rory Gamble

Brothers and Sisters, This will be the first of many messages to you my Brothers and Sisters. I would like to start this message by saying that I am so humbled to be appointed Acting President of this union by the International Executive Board. And I want to stress how proud I am of you, our membership. I am honored to represent some of the hardest working, creative and caring workforces in this nation.

Read More A message from UAW acting President Rory Gamble

UAW reached tentative agreement with General Dynamics

DETROIT – UAW members at General Dynamics Corporation have announced that they have reached tentative agreement today. “The bargaining committees at General Dynamics have worked hard to reach a fair agreement for our members that protects job security, wages and benefits,” said UAW Secretary-Treasurer Ray Curry, director of the UAW General Dynamics Department.

Read More UAW reached tentative agreement with General Dynamics