
When UAW President Dennis Williams took over as president at the 2014 convention, he made it clear that Big 3 Contracts now on the UAW Appone of the things he wanted his administration to focus on was communicating with rank-and-file UAW members and meeting members where they were at.

Our UAW members perform some of the most fascinating jobs, but sometimes it surprises us to learn that our members do that!? At the Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, Michigan, members from UAW Region 1D, Local 2256 are zookeepers working with some of the world’s most beautiful – and deadly – animals. The zoo is home to over 160 species of animals, many of which are threatened or endangered, including Amur Tigers, Red Pandas, Bali Mynah Birds, Snow Leopards, Tamarin Monkeys, Bongos and more. Click on our video and learn more about our members at the Potter Park Zoo!

The UAW represents a wide range of workers from many sectors. In honor of UAW members at museums across the country, we spoke to a member from the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York.

Megan Grann has been a UAW member since March 2010 and is a steward at MoMA and a delegate to the joint council of UAW Local 2110.

What’s it like working at MoMA?

The “right to work” law had recently passed in Michigan, and the expiration of our 2011 contract with Ford gave our members the legal right to leave the union. But here we are, more than a year-and-a-half removed from ratifying our 2015 contract and our membership attrition has been less than 1 percent

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Nearly five months after the Republican-controlled legislature paused their attempt to dismantle retirement savings for teachers, administrators and support staff, they’re back at it again. Corporate special interests are pushing them to slash school employees’ compensation and rob public employees of their retirement benefits.

A report released today by Worksafe, a California nonprofit that advocates for better health and safety protections for workers, shows that Tesla’s own internal data demonstrates annual injury rates at its Fremont plant have consistently exceeded industry averages.

Photo on Right: They were joined by Tiffany McLachlan, Betty Crawford, Jana Gilmore and (not pictured) Renee Hoffmeyer on the Local 2270 team. Local 2270 is based in Evard, Michigan.

UAW Bowling Championships Feature Tough Competition, Family Fun

Bowling is serious business for many UAW members. You could tell by the concentration, determination, frustration and exhilaration on the bowlers’ faces as they competed in the UAW International Bowling Tournament.

The Workers Defense League in New York recently honored UAW Local 2110 Maida Rosenstein during the group’s 81st anniversary dinner May 16. Rosenstein has always given priority to organizing new workers. She has been involved in graduate worker campaigns at New York University and Columbia, at a host of nonprofits and museums, and in higher education. For more than 30 years, she has strongly promoted membership-led, grassroots union activity, in contract negotiations campaigns, new organizing and political action.